Mauve Blush pink Sola Wood Bouquet, Pink Sola Wood Bouquet, Pink Bouquet, Burgundy, Blush Pink, and Ivory Bouquet, wedding bouquet
This listing features a bouquet featuring sola roses, carnations, zinnias, chorkis flowers. In the beautiful wedding colors of mauve/pink and blush pink and ivory. This bouquet has cream filler with accents of caspia and is wrapped in ivory satin accented with a lace collar with pearls. Burlap or twine may be chosen as well.
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Sola Flower Bouquet Sizing in Circumference (measuring Around the bouquet):
X-Large: Approximately 34” to 35” around
Large: Approximately 30"to 31"around
Medium: Approximately 27" to 28" around
Small: Approximately 23" to 24" around
Mini Toss: Approximately 19" to 20" around
Diva Peti: Contains 2 larger sola flowers (3" to 4" inches in size) and 3 standard sized sola flowers (2"-2.25" in size)
Peti: Contains 3 standard sized sola flowers